Use What You Have Porch Design

There is something romantic about a porch. Writing A Pretty Porch with a Purpose post got me inspired to get my own porch spruced up.

But after updating eight rooms inside over the past four months, I’m low on funds and energy for this project. So I did what any sensible girl would do…I shopped in my own home. The garage, the basement, and those mysterious boxes that never quite got unpacked (who knew!).

Here’s what it looked like when we moved in four months ago…

porch before

Here it is with the leftover deck furniture after we moved in. Functional, but mismatched and blah.

blah porch before

And finally, here it is, just $127 later…

porch after

First, here are the items I found for free right here at home:

  • The rug from the foyer in our last house
  • A pine farmhouse coffee table (complete with original crayon drawings) from the play room
  • A tray on the table for tea on the porch
  • A couple black/white outdoor pillows that I hadn’t used in years
  • A black/white vase to use for cut flowers from the yard


And here’s what I spent the $127 on:

  • Plants $35: 1 large and 3 small geraniums ($20), and red and black planter set: ($15)
  • Red cushions for the chair/ottoman: $40
  • Four flameless red lanterns from HomeGoods: $52

My favorite element is the lanterns.  I prefer them to traditional hanging baskets because they won’t die, they provide light, and they don’t block the view.  Call me lazy, but I’m efficient! Aren’t they gorgeous?  (Although they are confusing the local hummingbirds).

porch lanterns

And they totally rock at night!

porch lanterns at night

So next time you need to spruce up a room, look at home first! You just might be surprised.

Pssst…me again! I just finished this year’s porch design and blogged about it at HomeGoods!

  1. By implementing a commercial landscape design into your existing space, your business
    is more likely to attract new clients and keep
    existing ones. You can make a picnic point right next to your doorstep.
    Once it reaches the ocean it is cared for several weeks by its parents.

  2. It all boils down on creativity! It doesn’t look like you spent more than a hundred dollars on your porch! Wonderful! Porches or decks truly provide a semi-detached place for relaxation. What an excellent addition it is in a house.

  3. Love the updated porch! My favorite outdoor space is the patio/pool area at our new house. We move in a couple of days and I can’t wait to get in there and update every single room, including that pool area! It’s going to be fabulous:)

  4. Yes I agree that the lanterns looked gorgeous. And it is nice how 127 dollars could easily make the outdoor space more beautiful and homely. My favorite outdoor place would be the back of our house because I could be able to hang out with my pet.

  5. My favorite outdoor space is our front yard! Since our old house doesn’t have a backyard, we made our front yard our “entertainment space”. We recently had some work done on the landscaping where the kids can run and play then installed pavers in front of the house where we can setup tables if we want to party 🙂

  6. My favorite outdoor space is my front steps! I love hanging out, weeding my flower pots and talking to friends. I’m getting things accomplished but it also feels like relaxing. Love your blog! I’m here via the HomeGoods twitter! They retweeted you!

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