How Painting the Island Black Changed my Kitchen

Remember my kitchen? You can read all about how we removed the wallpaper, painted, added knobs and pulls and accessorized my New-ish Kitchen in the previous post here.

But something just wasn’t quite working for me. The island was demanding too much attention.

kitchen before painting island black

So I did what any sensible girl would do. I picked a can of black paint! (Note: I also placed the red lanterns from last year’s “use what you have porch design” to the top of the cabinets, which, according to my post “Ideas for that awkward space above your kitchen cabinets” may or may not be a good idea. lol)

after  painting the kitchen island black

It was very quick and easy project – I just picked up a quart of very black paint (with primer mixed in) and got started. I selected a semi gloss to balance it with the shiny black appliances and also to reflect light. Then the fun part – painting! I swear painting is therapy.

painting kitchen island black

On the side of the island that has cabinets and drawers, I removed them (along with all hardware), lightly sanded them and painted two coats.

painting kitchen cabinets black

painting kitchen island

The entire project took less than one day, and I love how the island now plays nicely with the black appliances and are no longer trying to steal the attention!

Much more of a modern feel than the traditional oak.

black kitchen island

Now I’m eyeing the rest of the cabinets – hmmmm – should I?

  1. Wow, this is only a simple project but the change is really good! Guess there should be more people like you who should be bold, especially when it comes to design.

  2. I was searching the Internet for pics of kitchens with oak and black cabinets. I am thinking of painting a few of my oak cabinets black as an accent. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. >Such a great update! Love it; so glad I can read your blog, too, now PS-In resnpoe to your email (which I am way behind on), I don’t have a button for my blog. . . Not that technically savvy yet, but maybe someday.

  4. I have some interest on reading home improvement related posts. Your kitchen looks awesome..The changes you made for your kitchen is extreme. Especially the place where you have your refrigerator is good . Obviously people will get some ideas on find out where to keep the home appliances in correct spot on their kitchens.

  5. Well Yes I guess the change looks much better now…. the scenario inside your kitchen is much more pleasant and it looks wonderful…

    Thanks for sharing

  6. Who would have thought such a small change would make such a big difference. I am a firm believer small, precise amounts of white makes a room look cleaner, and sharper. Have you done any other modifications since posting? Did you have to use a particular type of paint?

    Thanks for the post. I love home improvements.


  7. It does make a big difference! I think it works because of where your island is in relation to the black stove and fridge. It helps tie the pieces together. A black island by itself would undoubtedly draw more attention.

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