Simple DIY 3D Hanging Screen Idea

In the past, we leaned a large metal screen above the mantel (vintage Pier 1). In this house the screen landed over a console table, but leaning wasn’t going to work. Seems a little too lazy for the room.

Some curtain rod hardware,  my awesome Ryobi drill and a few minutes is all we needed to hang it up – and away from the wall.

hanging metal screen on wall 3D effect

By hanging it a couple inches from the wall, the shadows on the wall create a 3D effect.

hanging metal screen on wall 3D effect

And it’s a great place to hang seasonal lights for ambient lighting. Remember our treeless Christmas? This was the star player!

hanging metal screen on wall 3D effect

And…it’s one more move-in mini project I can cross off my list.

hanging metal screen on wall 3D effect before and after

Not only do the lights create interesting shadows, but when we light the candles on the table, we get a little dancing shadow show!

Hmmm, such a quick little project – I wonder why it took me 9 months to get it done.

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