My Real Life Home Office Decor Tour

I work hard like everyone else. I have a day job that I enjoy, and a blog that I love! Like many in my line of business, work environment is a huge part of my creative process.  Home office decor has fewer traditional design rules – it’s fun to do! I enjoy mixing old pieces with new and throwing in a few unexpected twists for a nice blend of functional happy! So come along and I’ll share my corner of the world with you!

Please note that I didn’t hide power cords, messy storage bins, and heck, I didn’t even empty the trash. Just keeping it real!

Susan’s Home Office Tour

The pesto green credenza wasn’t always green – click here for that project. What the old file cabinets lack in appearance they make up in authenticity. A seeming fitting stand for the old TV which I never remember is in the room.

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

The Henri Mattise print has been in my life since 1993, and I always go back to those colors for creative inspiration. The chair has played a role in several rooms, most recently the living room. The simple round table was my parents, and the patio coffee table folds up when not in use.

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

One of my favorite light fixture in this room is simply wall antlers with globe lights hanging from them. You’d be surprised how much warm glow that generates!

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

The chair is the highlight of the room for me – it is so comfortable (I’m sitting here now!). The teak table came with the hubby, and the cork board is just super functional.

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

A known procrastinator, my new clock/timer keeps me honest, and my to-to list is never far from sight. A cake stand keeps them from disappearing from inevitable clutter buildup over time.

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

I should mention that the window is a huge motivator! I keep the curtains light to allow as much natural light in as possible. Those curtains came from the family room in our last house here.

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

Here’s the most practical corner of the room – old bookcase and floor lamp that doubles as more storage.

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

If you’re curious, this room used to be a blue craft room before we bought the house. We painted it Benjamin Moore Pearl River gray and moved in our old stuff. Getting it to feel just right took a little patience, but I’m happy to call this office home!

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

What About Decorating your Cube at Work?

I challenged my co-workers to cube-pimping last year, and wrote about it at HomeGoods here. So many great ideas!

My Real Life Home Office Tour #homeoffice #decor #usewhatyouhave

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