Bold and Beautiful Kitchen Appliances

When it comes to kitchens, are we playing it too safe? Whatever happened to big, bold color expressions right smack dab in the heart of the home? No apologies! Here are some great ideas for bold, retro kitchen designs.

When it comes to kitchens, are we playing it too safe?  Whatever happened to big, bold color expressions right smack dab in the heart of the home?  No apologies!

For those with no fear of color, there is a company in Colorado named Big Chill, and they’ve made a business out of pairing modern technology with vintage 50’s charm.  They make refrigerators, stoves and dishwashers (

Their appliances are like pieces of art! I love them!  Here’s the stove in ” beach blue.”

A little too gutsy?  Then how about starting out with some colorful gadgets to spice up your kitchen?  Add a retro red mixer or how about this pretty beach blue toaster?


What about a colorful table and chairs to mix it up a bit?


Not sure about so much color but like the style?  Here’s Drew Barrymore’s kitchen with a white fridge from Big Chill:


A friend of mine is renovating her kitchen.  Here’s a lovely shot of her vintage avocado stove.  For some reason, I sort of like it!  It’s unapologetic, spunky and probably has many stories to tell.  (No, it’s not staying! )


Check out the before and after for this kitchen…pretty amazing!

  1. Love it – NO FEAR! I’m seriously considering one for our kitchen – planning a remodel this spring.

  2. I would totally buy these retro appliances. They look AWESOME. Afraid of the color? No way. That’s what makes them so cool.

  3. It is very well that so many beautiful appliances land up at home but cleaning and maintaining them is a prerogative and has to be well schedules and regulated.

  4. The idea of
    colorful kitchen appliances is very creative. The colorful appliances looks
    lovely, people prefer to buy appliances which match their kitchen walls and
    other accessories.

  5. Anybody know where can I buy a blue retro toaster like the one above?
    and what brand is it`? Thanks!

  6. great one on standardized work for home appliances i like it very much It is amazing and i love it if seeking some online shopping for home appliances help me

  7. I absolutely love these pictures and ideas that you bring up here. I think these retro appliance and kitchen looks will become more trendy moving forward. Adding colorful appliances to your kitchen lets you show a little bit of your personality. I think that if you coordinate the colors of the kitchen with the appliances, you can pull off something great.

  8. What an inspiring article with some great pics. I felt like I had stepped into an episode of Mad Men after seeing these pics. I think it is funny who retro things from clothing to kitchen appliances become popular and nostalgic over time.

  9. Thanks for the great comments everyone! It seems we all like these colorful pieces of art, but wow…what a commitment! As for me, I’d do it in a heartbeat, but don’t konw if I’d get hubby on the same page.

    For those of you who mentioned colorful small appliances, do me a favor and post them on! 🙂

  10. Several years ago I saw a similar fridge (but it must have been the real deal) and I just loved its clean lines. I wondered if someone would bring back that classic style. I certainly love it. (reminds me of an Airstream- I think that’s what they’re called). I don’t have much in the way of colorful appliances. I do have one very unique appliance- it’s an antique Kitchenaid stand mixer and it still works! It’s a hand-me-down from my husband’s great grandmother. It’s a light turquoise color. And it’s a beast! 🙂
    .-= astrid´s last blog .."Help I’m bleeding!" or strawberry picking with the Girlies =-.

  11. It’s funny how the cycle goes: retro was replaced with swanky modern gadgets and appliances and it was the thing to have.

    In fact, if you had the retro-style appliances, it seemed as though you were left behind.

    Now, we pay good money to have that style again.

    But I agree, they do bring a pop of color to the room. I love the red KitchenAid Mixer, and it’s on my wishlist…mind you, $799 for a mixmaster means it may be on my wishlist for still a little while yet. 😉
    .-= Jasmine @ The Suburban Sentiment´s last blog ..Hooked on: Terrariums Part II =-.

  12. Didn’t know anyone made appliances like this. I think most of us would be afraid to commit to such boldness long term.

  13. I agree sometimes we become too safe…however no one wants to revisit an era where we all cringed when our Grandmothers, or was it our mothers who owned Harvest gold washers and Dryers?

    Real beauties here!

    .-= Claudia @ DipityRoad´s last blog ..Shy Summer =-.

  14. haha if you could have heard my reaction when I saw the pics, I’d get my mouth washed out with soap!! It was a “holy (insert 4 letter word here) these are AMAZING!! I’ve been really wondering if maybe colored appliances could be the next trend in kitchens… I’m just loving the retro look and wishing that I had the guts or the $$ to get them!!

  15. Wonderful appliance photos! But yes, I think most of us are wary of so much color – unless perhaps we’re investing in an Aga which traditionally have some brightness to them. But we could all branch out a bit with the toaster, right? That blue color is adorable.
    .-= Struggler´s last blog ..Cute storage options =-.

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