5 Inexpensive Ways to Give your Home a Face Lift

With these great tips from contributor Joyce Del Rosario, there is no excuse for NOT improving your home! Why wait til you’re trying to sell you home? You deserve a lovely home now! ~Susan

The appearance of a person is very important. This is the reason why there are many who are willing to go under the knife and invest a significant amount of money to maintain its youthful perfection.  This goes the same with the appearance of a house; many are willing to splurge an awful lot of dough to make it look attractive inside and out. But what if you don’t have $10,000 in your pocket right now? Can you still spruce up the looks of your home? The answer is YES!

Here’s the rundown of 5 ways to give your home a fresh new appearance without the price of a face lift surgery.

1. Start the Operation by Cleaning the Yard and Doing a Little Landscaping.

Budget: $50 – $100

overgrown landscapingWhat do you feel whenever you pass a house that has a messy front yard? You might be saying “What kinds of people live here?” Well, that’s what they might also been saying whenever they look at your house. You don’t need to spend more than $100 in making your front and backyard look appealing. Just pick up the garbage, clear spider webs on the porch, wipe windows and screens, and repaint the garage door using eco and budget friendly low VOC paints.

When it comes to your garden, you don’t need to waste $1,000 on lush tropical landscaping. All you need is to pull those weeds, trim the bushes, cut the grass, rake leaves, remove dead plants, plant a couple of flowering shrubs, and place a couple of landscape rock or boulder. You could also add a $70 vintage bench or install a chic fence. You don’t have to pile your yard with tons of unnecessary ornaments that will make it appear crowded.

2. Pay Attention to Your Front Door.

Budget: $50 – $100

front door before and afterSince it’s the first thing that welcomes your guests, you have to make your main entrance door striking in appearance. No, you don’t need to buy and install a new one. Just check for rusty or stiff hinges, loose doorknob, cracks or splits in the surface, etc.

Repair or replace the parts needed and you could also add ornamental doorknocker, brass house numbers, and new doorbell with a cool tune. A porch light or a large flowering plant near the doorstep can give that pleasant touch.

3. Polish or Paint the Roof.

Budget: $200 – $300

It’s a risky and life threatening task so you need to hire an expert to do the job for you. The roof over your head is one of the most neglected parts of your house. You have no idea on what’s on it and what it has been through – rain, sun, snow, etc. So, pamper it once in a while by covering holes, applying anti rust solutions, and painting it to make it look brand new. You’d be amazed at what a good power wash can do for your roof. Not only that you’ll be giving your house an entire new look, but you’ll also prolong the life of the roof that protects you from drastic weather changes.

4. Update your Walls.

Budget: $150 – $200

Shades-of-Gray-in-Benjamin-Moores-Color-GalleryIn case you didn’t know, the paint on your walls can reflect the age of your house. That’s the reason why you have to update it maybe every year or whenever needed. Painting your wall will effortlessly hide those drabs and scuffs. Don’t be scared to play with colors. You could also try different techniques in painting such as sponging or spattering over a complementary solid color.

When it comes to choosing paint materials, make sure you look for low VOC materials that are less expensive and eco friendly. Another trending wall decoration right now is wall sconces. It’s easy to install and has that modern vibe to it.

5. De-Clutter and De-Corate!

Budget: $50 – $100

A clean, neat, organized, and well ventilated interior always makes a difference. But maintaining it in order can be a challenging task. The secret to a de-cluttered room is having standby containers where you can easily throw in trash and other stuff, then just separate them once you’re no longer busy.

Limit your decorations to a minimum. A room will look more inviting if there aren’t too many displays on the desk or too many pictures on the wall. Keep it nice and simple.

Joyce Del Rosario is part of the team behind Ace American Home. Ace American Home Air Conditioning is a full service air conditioning repair service in Tampa FL. When not working, Joyce enjoys blogging about career and business. Joyce is also a photography enthusiast.

  1. You can make a dramatic difference rearranging instead of redecorating –simply use what you already have. I think that solar window film offers a great facelift for your home. It’s affordable and has lots of benefits. It really adds curb appeal plus more privacy. I got a 30% tax credit for using a certified green product. It rejects UV rays and the nasty summer heat. I’ve saved so much money in utility bills its amazing. Everyone should have this done.

  2. we are planning to remodel our home but we have limited budget and i think following all above tips i can have best home without spending too much

  3. Thanks for the post. New paint can make a world of a difference. I used to work in a paint shop and painted as a side job for a while. I was amazed at how rooms could change with paint. There really is an art to picking it.

  4. You are right! When I wanted to have inexpensive facelift for my home, I want to grab the paint colors and repaint the walls. I am thinking about white as color for all the …….and one STRIKING color as an accent. What do you think? My style is still very traditional. Would it be too much?

  5. I think that You Should Give kitchen an instant facelift with paint. If you don’t have enough time or money to replace kitchen cabinets, paint them! You can also inexpensively change the hardware on your cabinets to give them a new look. Do any one have some other ideas on how to give your home a facelift?

  6. Thank you for listing these breakdown costs. I didn’t pay much attention about front doors but I’ll consider your thoughts. Thanks!

  7. Thanks for the great ideas. The roof is an often missed item. Getting rid of mold and moss on the roof can really make an instant improvement to the look of your house. It can also extend the life of your roof as a second bonus!

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