4 Ways to Relax, Unwind and Renew

As we storm in to year-end holiday frenzies, take a little time for yourself! On the eve of a new year, it’s important to chill so you can hit the new year renewed and running! Here are 4 ideas to get you started!

1. Renewal vs. Resolutions

While I’m not a proponent of making new years resolutions, I do find it helpful to find renewal inspiration to set the tone for my new year attitude!

inspirational renewal quotes

2. Meditate

Carve out a place in your home where you can meditate, do yoga, or just be alone. I designed a meditation corner in my basement laundry area.

3. Treat every day like your birthday

Think of New Year’s day as a birthday of time – it’s interesting that many birthday quotes are relevant every day, not just on birthdays. For more quotes and fun, click my Pinterest Board “Birthdays for Grownups.”

4. Cleanse your innards!

I took on a weekend green juice cleanse and lived to tell about it. Here‘s the real lowdown on how it went.

What are your plans for the new year?

  1. Love the idea of treating everyday as your birthday! As the holidays come to an end it’s nice to take a moment to just breathe and enjoy the start of a new year. Happy New Year, Susan!

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