The Bold Redesigner

I’ve been soooooo busy this past week that I haven’t had much time to write. I just got ready for launch (please go sign up…it’s fun!), and we went to Ohio for a surprise 50th B-day party for a very dear friend of mine, with our kids in tow.

I’ve been soooooo busy this past week that I haven’t had much time to write.  We went to Ohio for a surprise 50th B-day party for a very dear friend of mine, with our kids in tow.

The flight was uneventful except when TSA wanted to discuss why our 3 year old stashed a butter knife in her hot pink “glamour girl” roller bag. After some very sincere apologies, we were on our way.

Now my family lives in Ohio, but my parents flew south for part of the winter, so we had their place to ourselves.  Yes, you know what that means.  Uninhibited rearranging!  Bold, huh? I figure if they didn’t like it, my sister can help them move stuff back (if they remember where it was in the first place).  😉

Just so you know, I didn’t go too crazy.  I limited the changes to things I could carry myself.

In summary, here is what needed addressed the most:

  • Too many chairs.  They do host parties, but they can bring chairs out as needed.
  • Too many floral arrangements.  Too busy, and the potential for too much to dust. Plus it’s more fun to rotate the arrangements in and out so they feel fresher.
  • Accents were not displayed in natural groupings and they were too evenly spaced out.  Plus there were too many out at one time.

So here’s what I did:


Nothing too major…I moved chairs, end tables, plants, lights and accessories. I also adjusted the displays on their bookshelves to more logical groupings.  It is still their style, just less busy.

It’s such a natural tendancy for cherished accents to accumulate to the point where your eye doesn’t know where to go first.  Simplifying what is displayed can really take some “hidden” stress out of a room.

I sure hope they like it. 🙂

  1. yES, it would have been too much to paint — because I like my color as is. It was fun to come home and see things with new eyes. As Dad brought stuff in from the car, I was trying to get it all out of the living room and den so I could see what you’ve done — a losing battle, I’ll see more tomorrow.
    I realize that blue wing back chair (from CiBon days) is ugly and faded, and I do have too much on shelves (I also put some things up so you wouldn’t have to worry about Emma). And, yes, there is definitely one chair too many. Maybe it should be the CiBon chair that goes!
    The Danish desk does not fit any wall as it is 36″ and the walls it could go on are barely 35″ — that’s why it’s in the hall.
    This Spring I was planning to go through each room and simplify, so this gives me a head start. Thanks.
    Now, do I get to do your room when I visit?

  2. Update! My parents finally noticed this blog post, and yes, the do like the changes I made (although they won’t be home til later this week).

    Now I wish I had changed more! Would it have been too much to paint too? 😉

  3. Hi Julia,

    I have some ideas for them in dealing w/the many openings, but didn’t want to move stuff that’s hard to move back (just in case!). They still don’t know about it, btw. Guess they don’t read my blog while on vacation! 😉

  4. My in-laws have a family room that looks almost identical to this one, except it’s a little smaller. It’s kind of tricky to arrange the furniture because there are openings on all sides. You did a great job! 🙂

  5. Hi Why,

    What’s funny is my Mom redecorated all the time when we were kids…so I think she’s game. And here’s the kicker, I just redid my 2nd graders room (last re-do was just 6 months ago). We were in the mood for modern French, and voila! I’ll post that one next week. 🙂

  6. I would love to re-design my parent’s home. But they would take it as an affront. They’re like that.

  7. Hey Maya – that’s why you do it when they’re not looking, then hop on a plane and get outta dodge right quick. LOL

    Hi TTI – Open is good! I’ll have to check out the CdT post!

  8. The room definitely has a more open feel to it now!

    The fireplace and mantle remind me of the one in Cote de Texas’ latest blog post on a redo of a family room.

  9. Thanks Linda – I hope they see it that way!

    Suzy, I tend to rearrange too much, my hubby enjoyed that I was doing it at someone else’s house this time!

    Holly – so would I!

  10. Hi Terry – I hope my parents see it that way too! It’s hard enough to resist when they’re there, but left alone…anything can happen. If I had my Moving Men discs with me, it would have been much crazier!

  11. You are very kind to help with a little rearranging.

    When our designer friend, Gordon, comes over, we try not to get between him and the furniture. He just can’t resist and we’ve learned not to resist. He often goes straight to the mantle and before we know it, we have a new look.

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