Why I’m Not Making New Year Resolutions

Resolutions vs. Renewal

I’ve been contemplating what a New Year really means. I read posts about resolution goals on blogs and social media, and find myself nodding in agreement with the ambitious goals outlined in pretty fonts with inspiring images.

Smart ideas. Motivational aspirations. Plausible plans.

But something made me stop short of writing a traditional new years post about resolutions. Fear of failure? Maybe. But I see a new year as an opportunity to assess the past year, and figure out how to get your head in the game for the next year. An attitude adjustment based on actual data.

It may just be semantics, but this year rather than making resolutions, I’m going to focus on renewal.

“Renewal: the state of being made new, fresh, or strong again: the state of being renewed.” Merriam-Webster

I started by building a Pinterest board entitled “Renew” and searched for quotes that made sense to me. While you can see the board here, below are my top 10 that resonated with my own renewal objectives.

inspirational renewal quotes

While I will apply these thoughts to my day-to-day life, I’m also going to apply them to this blog. After taking the month of December off from writing, I’m ready to get back to basics – writing about things that get me excited! Blogging is fun, and so is making your home the best it can be.

Happy New Year!

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