House Beautiful’s 2009 Kitchen of the Year!

The 2009 House Beautiful Kitchen of the Year is right around the corner! Get the latest on what’s going on and be sure to share your thoughts here after the big reveal!

imageThe House Beautiful’s 2009 Kitchen of the Year inspired by none-other than the fabulous Ina Garten (a.k.a. the Barefoot Contessa). I just adore her!

Your eyes will feast on all the fabulous furnishings, fittings and features of the 2009 Kitchen of the Year! To whet your appetite, visit House Beautiful for photos of the progress leading up to the big reveal!

The kitchen will be open to the public daily from July 21st through the 24th.

Where (you might ask)? Right smack dab in the middle of Rockefeller Plaza in New York City (between 49th and 50th St.).  You can’t miss it! There will be cooking demonstrations and events…a must see if you’re in the area!


Now here’s a kicker, I was invited to the special preview on the 20th, but will be out of town. How frustrating! But fear not, I will post the interior reveal shots next week as soon as possible!

In the meantime, check out some eye candy from past winners:

2008 Kitchen of the Year:



2007 Kitchen of the Year



So follow House Beautiful tweets starting Monday for updates!  I can’t wait to hear what you think!  Anyone able to go?  Let me know!!!!

And thanks to the wonderful folks at House Beautiful for letting me preview this exciting event with you!

  1. No way I can compete. But I am looking for some interesting kitchen lighting and there are some nice finds here. I really like that spherical thing in the ’07 kitchen. But it may be too interesting for my tiny space.

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