Do you love your home office?

I get so super-charge in the fall.  Maybe it’s because the kids are school-bound, or maybe it just the crispness in the air.  Either way, this feeling tends to materialize in nesting behavior in my home office.  And I love it!

I don’t have any big redesign plans in my office at this time, but if I did, here’s is my inspiration!

First, here are three offices that I really like. I’m not a “desk against the wall” kinda gal, and I like simplicity. Unfortunately, there’s usually a trade off between simplicity and storage.

This first one from West Elm has a great urban edge to it and fabulous texture.  Not sure how it would translate in my traditional colonial however.  And I love the task lighting.


This is a great use of a small space from Crate and Barrel.  Love the colors and the functional art.


For a more traditional look, Pottery Barn shows a good example of conservative furniture mixed with a bold pop of color.


Now if I want to dream really big, here’s the ultimate office that I would just LOVE (from Architectural Digest):


What would your dream office look like?

  1. These are gorgeous but you’re right, there does seem to be a trade-off where you lose storage from the clean/simple look. I’m currently aching for a bit more file space in our very small office… where unfortunately the desks are firmly up against the wall!
    .-= Struggler´s last blog ..Desert Island Stores =-.

  2. The best way to get involved is to start posting on their blog. Periodically they will look for new bloggers, so if you’ve been active on their site, you’ll have a foot in the door!

  3. Hi Susan..I would really like to participate in the Homegoods blogger forum and be apart of the panel. Who would I contact?

  4. Love the West Elm desk! I am designing my home office and just purchased a desk from ZGallery. So fun!


  5. I do now, thanks to a weekend of organizing and finishing my guest room/office. The space was so poorly used before and ended up being a catch-all so the rest of the house could stay in tip-top shape. No more. Its dual purpose presented a challenge, but I’m really happy with the end result (not as happy, however, as if I had the water views in the office above!).
    .-= bungalowbliss´s last blog ..Late-Summer Diversions =-.

  6. Lovely pics!

    What I have to work with is nowhere near, though! 🙂
    Home office-slash-odd guestroom or stash-room (or attic full-of-everything), & home office-slash-downstairs kitchen (where jams and tomato sauce and such get made) seem my odd choices!!
    No idea what to do with them lol, so looking for more inspiration!! 🙂
    .-= Layla´s last blog ..Fixin’ the old beehive! 🙂 =-.

  7. Hi, I stopped in because the name of your blog intrigued me. I am in the midst of completing a home office makeover (almost done!) and really enjoying it. I made over a table to use as a desk using the same white PB one you highlighted as inspiration. If you want to take a peek, I’ve been writing about my office transformation on my blog.
    .-= karen@strictlysimplestyle´s last blog ..Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend =-.

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