A New Roof and Patio for an Old House

When we bought our house last fall, three projects were imminent:

  1. A new roof
  2. A new patio
  3. A new kitchen

We’re two-thirds the way there!

First let’s look at the roof. We replaced it immediately (before snow!).  There were actually two roofs that needed replaced (one on top of the other, each over 20 years old).

roof before and after

Ok, now to the backyard to address the old patio.

The back patio was not only in bad shape, it was too small. Here’s what we started with:

small concrete patio before

You know when the dumpster shows up, something’s gettin’ done!

dumpster in place

The old concrete was removed.

destroying old patio

And the ground leveled.

leveling the ground for a concrete patio

Then new concrete poured.

patio progress

Remember those old steps?

old concrete steps

They were extended to better fit the sliding door, and refinished with blue stone (and yes, we’re going to add a rail).

new bluestone on patio steps

Before we go shopping, it’s fun to try to use what you have. We simply spray-painted this old glass-top table black to give it new life.

spray paint patio table black


patio table after spray painting

Next came the fun part. Accessorizing! A $100 trip to HomeGoods was all I needed to get the patio party-ready for the season! See more on this at HomeGoods!

patio accessories from homegoods

Here’s our first draft of pimping the patio. I’m sure it will be work-in-progress as the summer unfolds.

patio accessories

By the way, the reason the conversational grouping is facing this way is because of the view.

Behold, the big-picture before and after:

backyard patio before and after

And yes, I’m leaving room for the new Father’s Day Fire Pit (on the way!).

I’m amazed at how these updates made the house look younger and less tired. Do you have a favorite color to deck out your outdoor entertaining spaces?

p.s. – roof and patio done and a kitchen to go. Stay tuned…

  1. Impressive work on the patio. It must be fun to hold weekend barbecue parties their. The roof looks good, too! It is great how everything adds beauty to your home’s curb appeal.

  2. A new roof, patio or both can transform your home for the better! If you’re having trouble selling your home, investing money in it, can mean you make a bigger profit when selling. It’s certainly worth a thought if you’re having difficulty selling your property!

  3. We considered a LOT of things! But we really wanted to be closer to the grass (does that make sense?). Doing the steps in blue stone was our contractors idea, and I’m glad we did it. The cement is a little boring, but with the money saved not doing pavers, I’ll get the appliances I want in our upcoming kitchen remodel. There are always trade-offs. Since this wasn’t a DIY project, I’m not sure where he got the stone – just appeared like magic. 😉 Good luck deciding what to do with your steps!

  4. Such a huge difference in the before and after. Enlarging the patio was a great idea. Did you consider doing a wood deck or did you prefer the cement? Also, where did you find the stone for your steps? Have done a bit of a fix up in my front yard but at a loss as to what to do with the steps.

  5. That phrase doesn’t sound familiar – it’s basically just architectural shingles – very common here in CT. It was a hassle for them to take off TWO roofs. We got it done just after Hurricane Sandy, and before the first snow!

  6. It’s all looking great! I was just wondering whether the old roof you replaced was made from corrugated iron (colorbond steel)? I’m curious because it appears that you’ve replaced it with terracota/cement roof tiles, and my hubby has always told me that it’s an incredibly difficult job to do because of the differing weights of materials involved, and the inner roof structure support system. Yours looks like it’s been an easy transition, which has really piqued my curiosity! 😀 Cheers, heather 🙂

  7. Beautiful job Susan!! I love what you did and how you dressed up the new patio. You’ll have some serious summer fun now. Enjoy it. Such a transformation. It does look younger, fresher, and sooo inviting!!

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