What I discovered on my “Girls Weekend”

***This is an updated post – I finally made my own nest (see further below)!

Some girlfriends and I flew to Greensboro, NC for a girl’s weekend (and it was my birthday). Of course, no girl’s weekend is complete without a trip to the spa! The Chakras Spa had a very clever “Nest” at the end of a hall for guests to relax and/or meditate in while between treatments.

They simply added a bed in front of the window, and draped fabulous silk fabric to create a private, cozy area. Lots of pillows and meditation books completed the nook. These pictures really don’t do it justice, but you get the basic idea.

Do you have a place in your home that could serve as a “Nest?” Even if you don’t have enough room for a bed, you could create a cozy corner with a favorite chair. With the crazy holiday schedules on the horizon, this is a great time to find your own happy place to unwind.

February 2009 Update! I finally got around to creating a Meditation Nest in my own home!  Ok, so it’s a kid-friendly version, but it works for me!

Kid-Friendly Meditation Nook

Here’s what it looked like before:

Nook Before

Gotta love a mom-cave, right?

***Updated the look of the nook – see it here!***

  1. I absolutely love the multi-colored fabric you used. Where did you find such beautiful fabric?

  2. Hi Elizabeth! Wow, you’re a long way from home! Glad you like the nook…I guess in a nook like that you can pretend you’re anywhere you want!

    Thanks for commenting!


  3. Wow, you did a really good job with that space. Also, I envy you your trip to Greensboro…I currently live in Utah, but we moved here from Chapel Hill. My mother and sister both attended UNC-G. We know the town well.


  4. Hi Fifi (love your name!), I wish I could have used the beautiful grown up fabrics for my nook…maybe one day!

    Hey Amy – go for it! Would be great in a basement! Good luck multi-tasking!

  5. Wow! I can relax in that while my boy play in this playroom nearby!!! Very creative!!! MMM…Maybe I can do in the basement…mmm…thank you for sharing!!

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