Update to The Bold Redesigner

You may remember back in March I rearranged my parents furniture (within reason) when I stayed at their home for a visit (no they were not there).  Yes, it was bold. I blogged about it here.

Well, since then, my Mom got inspired to do more (sorry Dad!).  They moved more furniture around, and removed their mantel over the fireplace to make room for their favorite piece of art:


Here’s what it looked like before:


Kudo’s Mom & Dad!  You did a great job!

(Btw – they are coming to visit me next month…should I be worried?)

  1. Ha! It’s all different now! I’ll have to send you a new picture.

  2. Hi Susan – Thanks for visiting me on The Hill. You probably didn’t figure out my name but if you sound it out it might sound like somebody’s intitials. 😉

    I’m guessing your parents will want to be near the fireplace in the winter. Makes sense.

    Why S?’s last blog post..Touch the Water

  3. Hi “Why S?” (I’m going to visit your blog to better understand your name..I’m intrigued!).

    They moved the TV to the Den in the next room. Unfortunately, it might tip toe back into this room in the winter.

    Thx for stopping by!


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