Some flair for your laundry room!


Yea, it’s a fluff post (ha ha ha) but think about how many loads of laundry you do every day! Don’t you (and your laundry room) deserve a little fun?

I only have a laundry closet to work with, but if you have an actual laundry ROOM you could really go nuts!

And if you’re stuck with laundry in the basement, check out this article I wrote last year entitled “Laundry Down Under: 10 Easy Ways to Update Basement Laundry Rooms“!  (Sorry for the shameless self-promotion, but it’s one of my favorite articles and just wanted to share it with you!)

Gotta go…washer just buzzed (again!).

But let me leave you with some propaganda:


  1. I know for many people, the advent of spring makes them want to clean. They don’t call it Spring Cleaning for nothing. Me, I never want to clean. I hate cleaning. But spring weather does make me want to create order. Rather than cleaning, spring makes me want to declutter some storage spaces and put stuff away.

  2. Hi Gayle,

    Thanks! I’m looking forward to summer when the clothes are not as bulky so I won’t have to do it everyday (the curse of the north!).

  3. Great ideas for laundry rooms! You are right, we spend so much time there it would be great if it was more pleasant!

  4. Thanks Kim,

    Btw – you’ll notice that I didn’t show it w/the closet doors open…that’s another project for another day! LOL You’re in good company!

  5. Hi Julia – no fun being a closet decorator, huh! I’ll absolutely add a link. You’ve got a fun gig going on!

  6. I’ve got my washer and dryer in a closet off my master bathroom. I wish I had a separate room for it that I could decorate and have fun with! Maybe someday…

    That light switch cover cracks me up. Too funny.

    Thanks for joining my blog party! Do you mind adding a link back to the Hooked on Fridays post when you get a chance so everyone knows what’s going on?

    Thanksabunch, and have a wonderful weekend!! 🙂

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