Open letter to the current owner of my next home

Dear Homeowner,

We’ve never met.  And I don’t know when we’ll meet because we don’t have current plans to move.  But I’ve moved a lot (3 times in the past 11 years) and I’ve had it up to here (visual cue: hand above head) with DIY paint jobs gone bad.

I won’t even talk about wallpaper because I’m to the point that if there’s wallpaper, I’m probably not buying it.

I’m talking to amateur painters (like myself) who prefer to do the painting themselves.  Painting is the most inexpensive project you can do that give back such immediate gratification.

But here’s my beef: Please please please TAPE THE CEILING before you start painting the walls.  Especially if you’re using a darker color.  That’s all I ask.

Not only does the room look better, but it really is faster than winging it! AND…it really helps out the next homeowner when they go to paint.

Thanks for listening…til we meet,

Susan 😉

  1. Just a little update…the former owner of our home just moved in two doors down from us – we just met at a holiday party. Sure hope he doesn’t read this…could be awkward! But I give him great credit – he’s taking on a MAJOR renovation project. I’ll try to get some before and after pics! 🙂


    ps – Hey Joe, If you ARE reading this, welcome back to the neighborhood. If you need to borrow any painters tape, let me know! I might even help you paint!

  2. Great idea!

    Obviously I was venting as I was painting a room with a touch of dark gray along the ceiling. Had to do some ceiling touch up paint first hoping it would suffice so I wouldn’t have to paint the whole ceiling. Ahhh.

    Hope the current owner of my next home reads your suggestion!

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