My Laundry Closet Needs a Makeover

My laundry room is just an upstairs closet off the main hall.   But it’s also the only “room” in my home that I haven’t at least painted!

I actually started this project over a year ago by adding “Laundry Room Flair” with cute knobs, writing on the wall and a fun switch plate cover.

But what you didn’t see was the INDSIDE of my laundry room closet!  Oh the shame! Ok, I’m baring my soul and messy innards of my laundry closet here, so be kind!  Here is the “before” picture.

Now I realize that by posting this picture, I actually have to get this project done.  Give me a couple weeks and I’ll show you the “after.”  Keep me honest and don’t let me off the hook!

Ok, in the meantime, let’s look check out some well-done laundry rooms:

I like the use of color and consistent bins.  But it almost looks too staged – what are the odds that the towels, hanging laundry AND laundry in the dryer will all be color-coordinated?

source: Stacksandstacks

This one is a bit more realistic – showing multiple uses of the space.  I think I’d bump my hip on the counter after I tripped over the pretty pail on the floor.  While I’m not a wallpaper fan, I think it adds some fun personality on the cupboards.  Overall, a fun and eclectic design.

source: Country living

When was the last time you exercised in the laundry room?  Hmmm, not a bad idea – you can challenge yourself to stay on the treadmill until the load is done, and watch a little HGTV while you’re at it!  Just be careful not to drip any sweat on the clean clothes. lol

source: Real Simple

Here’s a great use of a small space – even the ironing board has décor duty!  Note the use of one large simple piece of art – small items in a small space get lost and become clutter.

source: Domino

Fun use of stripes, and note the track lighting.  Now Showing (drum roll) – mom doing laundry! But seriously, you’ve got to have lots of light to find stains no one bothered to tell you about and collect any money left in the pockets (that’s my tip)!  I also like the use of shelves on the side walls – gives the room a bit more dimension.

source: Better Homes

Ok, lets get our heads out of the clouds and back to reality – what tips do you have for my humble little laundry closet?  I should tell you that the color will have to be blue (because I’m using leftover paint from my kids’ bathroom), but I’m looking for easy (and inexpensive) organizing and decorating ideas!

***update – yes, I got it done! Check out my new laundry room closet!***

  1. Hi Michael – your job sounds awesome! Interesting observation, especially considering that typically the female does the laundry, AND she has a big say in which home they choose. Gotta keep mama happy! 🙂

  2. For the past 3 years I’ve been going around taking pictures of interiors in model
    homes. I’m learning on my own about colors and design – anyway, The Laundry room is hard to do from what I’ve seen, even in the $650,000 homes the Laundry room is where the professionals seem to lose thier creativity. The usual model home is usually a solid color with two pictures with the same theme above the washer and dryer.

  3. I love the first one with the bins on the shelves. This is a great use of space and looks great. Unfortunately, knowing myself and most people it would look like this only once in a great while. Where do people put all of their clothes to make it look so nice! Apparently, they have way more time than me.

  4. Hi Julia – so you know how frustrating it is! But on the upside – it’s less to keep picked up! Congrats on your new appliances – I’m sure that will inspire a total “do-over!”

    Pat – great ideas! I’d love to do a closed cabinet, but we’re doing this on the cheap – but I think another shelf above will use the vertical space. I like the idea of in-between shelving – that is really wasted space. And the lost pennies? I think I’ll use an actual tip jar – because that’s about all I get. lol

  5. Use the vertical space. Maybe combine a closed cabinet and open shelves deep enough for the laundry basket on the bottom, narrower as you go up. I like blue, paint the insides of the cabinet too. Nice canvas baskets for sorting. I keep a container for lost pennies too! I like the space between the washer and dryer you could put shelves and have room to stack baskets.
    .-= Pat Smith´s last blog ..In the Red Zone =-.

  6. My laundry closet looks almost exactly like yours! and it’s in dire need of a makeover, too–starting with new appliances. My dryer has had it, and the washer started making strange noises recently. Not a good sign.

    Love these inspiration pics. I would love to have a separate laundry room that was big enough to really go to town with. Maybe I’ll at least try to re-paint mine when we get the new washer/dryer.

  7. Okay Miss Susan…I’ll be tuning in to keep track of your progress. I HATE my laundry room. Obviously designed by a man…I feel like I’m working out of a phone booth. Inspire me Susan…Inspire me!!!

  8. Oooh, horizontal stripes – love that idea! I think I’ll paint all accent pieces white – there are some blocks holding up the one wire shelf that is already there. I think one shelf higher up would help too.

  9. My only suggestion is to mix in a little white into half of the blue paint and paint broad horizontal stripes with the two tones of blue. You may not be able to create much more visual interest because you’ll want to keep it practical. White shelves will be useful. Maybe more shallow shelves on the lower levels and wider ones up high?
    .-= Why S?´s last blog ..The Gravity of Gravity or A Really Messy Kitchen =-.

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