Happy Thanksgiving Day!

lion statues dressed for Thanksgiving Day

It’s Thanksgiving Eve, and as I think back over the past year, I am blown away at how much I have to be thankful for. While I’m thankful for family, friends (both new and old), and the kindness shown to us as we made a move from Connecticut to the infamous “Lion House of New Jersey” – I am also sincerely thankful to all the smart, amazing and fun readers of this blog.

I write from a place of passion, and am deeply touched that it has resonated with so many wonderful readers. As you head out (or invite in) for this year’s Thanksgiving celebration, please know that I am honored that you take the time to join me in this blog.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

ps – as you may know, I’ve been decorating the lions with the seasons – any suggestions for Christmas? Here they are in Halloween garb.

  1. Hey, you should come up next month and help me with their Christmas attire. I double…no, make that TRIPLE dog dare you!

  2. Love this…as to the holiday lions…I’m thinking Jingle and Jangle. Or the obvious reindeer lions. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

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