Art on the Pier at P-Town

While on vacation at Cape Cod this summer, we visited P-Town (a.k.a. Provincetown) at the very top tip of the Cape. While we walked along the pier waiting for our whale watching boat, I was able to enjoyed three lovely yet very different pieces of art. Each inspirational in their own way.

While on vacation at Cape Cod this summer, we visited Provincetown (a.k.a. P-Town) at the very tip of the Cape.  Talk about eye candy!  So many beautiful and creative expressions at every turn.  But, in reality, I was there in my role as “mom” so I didn’t get a chance to leisurely stroll through the galleries and shops. {sigh}

However, while we walked along the pier waiting for our whale watching boat, I  enjoyed three lovely yet very different pieces of art.  Each inspirational in a different way.

First, I was I was very taken with Norma Holt, who just celebrated her 90th birthday last year.  She is a local photographer whose black and white portraits of Portuguese women whose families were part of the town’s fishing industry are mounted on the Fishermen’s Wharf building at the end of the pier. You just can’t miss it.  They’re from her collection “They Also Faced the Sea”.


Next, I just loved this pimped out bicycle in front of one of the shops on the pier.  If you’re going to pedal, pedal in style!  For those who read my post about my vintage fan, you know I’m lovin the color of the seat and wheel rims! 😉


And finally, I enjoyed the simplicity of this sculpture.  It’s the fourth installment of the “Y” Project promote a greater understanding of social issues through temporary sculptures placed in public space, in the form of the letter Y, to cultivate positive change over time. The project asks us to reflect on the statement, “Why do we live so comfortably with an imbalance of human equality and irresponsibility?”  For more information, visit


So I guess the lesson learned is that you don’t have to actually go into a gallery to find artistic treasures.  Just keep your eyes open, and always have your camera ready!

So, what unexpected things did you see on your summer vacation?


ps – Oh, and we did see some whales…


  1. Marianne – I know…isn’t it fab! I would ride more if I had a bike like that (but then again…lots of hills where I live!)

    Shannon – this was our first trip there…it’s not exactly on your way anywhere – sort of stuck in the corner of the country! Glad you like the pics! 🙂

  2. Oh how I would love to visit the Cape. I love those pictures on the fisherman’s wharf. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing this.

  3. That bike! I live in Holland and everyone cycles here, very often on rickety old bikes. Many students paint their bikes so they can find them easier and they won’t get stolen. So if you’d walk around in any town here you would see many of these colorfull works of art LOL

  4. Erin – I just wish I could really tour it (sans kids and hubby) to really get some great shots! Lots of energy there!

    Fifi – I actually thought of you when I saw this bike! It reminded me of your paintings! 🙂

  5. Ok Jane…we’ve GOT to go shopping together sometime! We’ll draw straws for the items we both want.

    Linda – aren’t the whales amazing? I also got some funny pics of the whale watching paparazzi leaning over the rail. 😉

    Hi Claudia – I’m on my way over – love your blog! 🙂

  6. How cool are these? I bet it was such fun to see it up close and personal.

    Thanks for sharing.

    If you have a moment, stop by and say hi! I would love to have you.

    TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥
    .-= Claudia@DipityRoad´s last blog ..Autumn-Scarecrows =-.

  7. I love those photos on the building – beautiful. The bike’s great, gotta love colour! And I like the Y sculpture too, very simple. What a great place to visit. You can find art in the most wonderful places.

    We have a few places nearby where the whales come in nice and close (about 2 and a half hrs away from where I live). We took a drive up there last year to see them – amazing!

    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    Linda. 🙂

  8. Hi Susan, These art installations on the beach, etc have been done here in California too. A great change of pace for sure. Love that bicycle, and remember your fan-I-would-fight-you-for very well 😀 And the photos of women from an earlier generation are wonderful. They remind me of my grandmother–so hard working and never complaining.
    Jane T.
    .-= Atticmag´s last blog ..My Favorite Pasta Secrets =-.

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