Updated Bedding (it’s spring!)

As you may remember, I got a new (huge) mattress a few months ago and shared my dilemma on how to dress it properly in the post What do a bra and mattress have in common. Well, spring has finally sprung here in Connecticut, so I thought I should share my seasonal bedding change with you!

As you may remember, I got a new (huge) mattress a few months ago and shared my dilemma on how to dress it properly in the post What do a bra and mattress have in common.  Well, spring has finally sprung here in Connecticut, so I thought I should share my seasonal bedding change with you!  Yea, just $40 from T.J. Maxx for a duvet cover was all it took! (Had the blanket and pillow already):


Here’s the “cozy” version we’ll bring back out on the fall:

cozy bedding

Happy spring everyone! 🙂

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