Transitional Holiday Decorating Ideas

It’s awkward, isn’t it?  Halloween is over, Thanksgiving decor is typically traditional, and it seems too early to bring out our more creative Christmas bling. We feel a little lost, unsure of what our next holiday decorating move should be.

No worries – here are a few (somewhat) graceful transitional holiday decorating ideas to bridge the 4th quarter holidays!

It’s all about small moves!

A few subtle tweaks to your spooky vignettes can go a long way in bridging the gap.

Graceful Holiday Decor Transition ideas #yourhomeonlybetter #interiordesign #decor #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Halloween

Rather than an autumnal display on a tray (previously shown here), why not create a simple cluster of candles to create a non-committal indoor fire-pit feel? It looks sort of like a flower from above, and the scented candle plays well with all of the trifecta holidays (orange spice). It’s very soothing after a long day to sit by the candlelight (the pellet stove is not on for the season yet).

Graceful Holiday Decor Transition ideas #yourhomeonlybetter #interiordesign #decor #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Halloween

I just can’t pitch a perfectly good pumpkin into the back woods, so I added some mini colored holiday lights on them – my version of frost on the pumpkin. How easy was that!!

Graceful Holiday Decor Transition ideas #yourhomeonlybetter #interiordesign #decor #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Halloween

I moved the candle holder next to the pellet stove, and snuck in a little more bling with more mini colored lights inside – sort of a fall disco happy look, grounded by a few traditional baby pumpkins left over. Just weird enough to work.

Graceful Holiday Decor Transition ideas #yourhomeonlybetter #interiordesign #decor #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Halloween

The best part is that these lights are battery operated and have a timer that keeps them on for 6 hours the same time each day. Super easy.

Graceful Holiday Decor Transition ideas #yourhomeonlybetter #interiordesign #decor #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Halloween

In the family room, I only made two small tweaks – my goal was to declutter this room now since this is where the Christmas tree will be going. Before, we had pumpkin lanterns on the hanging screen (shown here). New lights, new look. Again, another orange spice candle!

Graceful Holiday Decor Transition ideas #yourhomeonlybetter #interiordesign #decor #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Halloween

For the wine cork centerpiece, I removed the black roses (shown here) and added a candle with a few corks, leaving the gourds in place.

Graceful Holiday Decor Transition ideas #yourhomeonlybetter #interiordesign #decor #Christmas #Thanksgiving #Halloween

I know this doesn’t sound like much, but that’s the point!

Take out the creepy/spooky Halloween stuff, layer in more candles and lights, and you’re poised to leap into Christmas bling mode at the drop of a hat! It’s an easy recipe for managing the holiday transitions with a little grace and style!

So pace yourself, and have a happy Thanksgiving!

ps – I’ve got my Christmas Pine candles in the wings, ready to go!

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