Green Tips to Keep America and Your Home Beautiful!

If envy is an ugly emotion, then green is my favorite color.


After talking with the lovely and talented Picker Sisters, I am not only jealous beyond reason, but totally inspired to keep America (and my home) more beautiful! Check out the fun conversation I had with Tracy and Tanya about their amazing show:

Ok, so realistically, most of us cannot drop everything and tour about undiscovered country roads to negotiate unique pieces from unsuspecting (and possibly creepy) characters.

For the record, I don’t recommend you try that unless you have a sizeable posse with you – the mom in me would worry way too much.

Picking doesn’t have to be in a farmer’s backyard. You can pick things from your own home, garage sales, craigslist, etc.  Picking is loads of fun and environmentally responsible as well. Win-win!

crying Indian ad for Keep America BeautifulWith Earth day upon us, I challenge you to do something that makes a difference! Are you familiar with Keep America Beautiful? (Hint – remember the crying Indian commercial – yes, I’m dating myself here).

Anyway, they sponsor an annual Great American Cleanup campaign, and there are many ways you can get involved at a local level.

Great American Cleanup

So grab your Glad trash bags and let’s do this!

  1. Well I am just too pleased with your thought…. This is a really brave thing and great step you have take… keep it up…

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