I’m so excited I could almost cook!

Seriously, this week’s reveal of the House Beautiful Kitchen of the Year for 2009 did not disappoint. Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) inspired a space I could easily learn to call home! I'm looking forward to Koty 2010!
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Bold and Beautiful Kitchen Appliances

When it comes to kitchens, are we playing it too safe? Whatever happened to big, bold color expressions right smack dab in the heart of the home? No apologies! Here are some great ideas for bold, retro kitchen designs.
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My Dream Kitchen

I wonder…If I had my dream kitchen, would I cook better? Who among us hasn’t drooled over a kitchen in a Hollywood movie, or taken mental notes of a friend’s to-die-for kitchen. Here's my dream kitchen. I call it "modern bungalow".
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Earthy Bling for a non-traditional Easter

We’re hosting a small, casual Easter dinner party at our house this year. Because we’re serving barbecued ribs from the grill instead of traditional ham, I wanted to alter the party décor to match the casual tone. We’re going to use terracotta pots for tealights and as nameplates/goodie bags...
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White Hot!

Is white becoming the new black? I’m seeing it everywhere, and I love it! White plays great with…
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