The Ultimate Sports Room

I was doing a staging consultation on a lovely home this week. All was as expected, until I entered the basement. There, before my startled eyes was the most thorough tribute to any football team I had ever seen. Now I’m not a big sports fan, but I felt the energy in this space as if I had 50 yard tickets for the big game. I felt the wind in my hair, the sound of the crowd, the smell of spilled beer (wait, that part might have been real). Game on!

I was doing a staging consultation on a lovely home this week.  All was as expected, until I entered the basement.

There, before my startled eyes was the most thorough tribute to any football team I had ever seen.  Now I’m not a big sports fan, but I felt the energy in this space as if I had 50 yard tickets for the big game.  I felt the wind in my hair, the sound of the crowd, the smell of spilled beer (wait, that part  might have been real).  Game on!

50 yard line

As I entered the room, I was greeted with a humongous big screen tv and a purple (yet a manly purple) bar with glass block that lit up at the flip of a switch.  The faux mountains behind the bar also had a switch to add a blue glow coming from behind them.


In true manly fashion, there were four (that’s 4) loungers set up side-by-side for optimal viewing.


Now have you noticed the ceiling yet (or are you still overwhelmed by it all?)  It’s always good weather for a game in here!


Now sports fans…just when you thought it couldn’t get any more spectacular, check out the full bath (from door behind the bar).


But wait….there’s more through the far door in the bathroom…


I know…amazing.  But what do they do during half time?  Play pool….what else!?!


I don’t think it matters whether you’re a Vikings fan or not…you’ve got to appreciate the energy in this room.  And since the basement is typically the last room viewed on a home tour, there’s a good chance any sports-loving guy is going to give a thumbs up for this house!

Thinking about making your own Man Cave? Check out these 10 Tips for Designing a Man Cave while Preserving Family Harmony!

  1. Yeap, it gets the thumbs up from me. The Vikings would need to go though!

  2. Thanks for your enthusiasm for this room. I just love the energy, even though I’m not a sports fan.

    Puna – I told them just to clean it up and leave it as is. If was done poorly, I would have recommended a repaint, but it’s just amazing.

    Note: we’re in CT, so most folks don’t have strong feelings about the Vikins one way or another. Who would be their arch rival? Anyone know?

    Susan’s last blog post..The Ultimate Sports Room

  3. Oh my goodness. My husband would buy this house in an instant. Just curious, how did you stage it? Did you suggest they repaint the viking and put up a big tiger instead?

    Puna’s last blog post..Have A Pretty Friday

  4. I love it! It’ll be hard to resell it to a non-Viking fan though! LOL! Someone put a lot of time, effort, and love into that!

    Happy Friday!

    Christine’s last blog post..{Love Thursday}

  5. My boys and husband would love the carpet! I did similar things in our old house for my son’s room. I painted a blimp way at the top of the 14 ft ceiling, painted the scoreboard, and painted a concession stand menu over the closet door! It was a fun room, loaded with fake “people”, and the cushions goal posts too! Thanks for sharing this, I may have to hide this one away from the boys…

    Misti of Studio M Designs’s last blog post..Hooked on Friday Giveaway: Porches, Patios, and Decks

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