The Linen Closet Challenge

As we think about hunkering down for impending fall, we experience a natural urge to organize. Call it “nesting” if you like. I find this organic urge more strongly in the fall than the spring. Maybe it’s because we get extreme seasons here in CT (and I tend to be a bit dramatic about the weather). This time, I’m going to use labels, hoping it will help maintain this newfound organization!

As we think about hunkering down for impending fall, we experience a natural urge to organize.  Call it “nesting” if you like.  I find this organic urge more strongly in the fall than the spring.  Maybe it’s because we get extreme seasons here in CT (and I tend to be a bit dramatic about the weather).

I’m blessed with a wonderful Mother-in-Law who always reorganizes the linen closet in our guest bath while she’s visits (without being asked).  She’s an impeccable nester!

But she’s got some competition now…a friend of mine showed me her MIL’s linen closet…

Linen Closet

Notice the labels?  Here’s a closer shot for you…

Linen Closet Label

Hmmm, I think the gauntlet of challenge has been laid down!  Game on MIL’s! 🙂

For those of you without Mother-in-Laws who do this for you, how do you organize your linen closets?

ps – Thanks Granny! 🙂

  1. Hi Why S! I’m just glad someone did it…I wasn’t going to get to it anytime soon! Would love to see pics of your new big bathroom! Now where to put all that stuff….that’s tricky!

    .-= Susan´s last blog ..Do you love your home office? =-.

  2. If my MiL ever spontaneously re-organized my things, I don’t think I would take your generous attitude, no matter how nice it turned out.

    Having said that, yours is quite impressive. I regret that we had to tear out our home’s linen storage in order to enlarge our master bath. Now we’re dying for storage (but loving our big bathroom.)

  3. Hi Neighbor!

    Love it “relased from their original packaging” – so true! How is it that our generating lacks these skills?


    ps – here’s hoping hurricane Bill doesn’t mess w/ya!

  4. greetings, susan!

    what a great blog you have here!

    how wonderful to have MILs to help organize. my own MIL can fold a contour sheet like nobody’s business! i didn’t even think sheets could be refolded into a perfect rectangle once release from their original packaging!

    happy rest o’ summer to you!

    elyse (in nearby RI!)
    .-= elyse´s last blog ..1st blogthday giveaway =-.

  5. To organize my room is so difficult for me finally my mom has bought a new closets for me. now my all things are safe and well arranged.

  6. Hi Misti,

    You’ll notice that I did not include a picture of my linen closet…while my MIL did fix it up nice, it’s since gone south. Hmmm, maybe I’ll fly her up here again! 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Love it! Last summer when we were purging our belongings for our 1000+ mile move, I made a vowed that no bed in my house will have more than 2 sets of sheets at any given time (exception to the rule is of course the toddler’s bed). So mine are organized by size but are clearly identifiable by color/pattern. (I don’t think they make Dora sheets in King size.)

    Visiting from Hooked On.

  8. My mother-in-law used to organize her linen closet so all items were folded in the same direction. No loose ends showing! I am not that organized. Certainly looked nice though.
    .-= Porch Days´s last blog ..Cut Flowers =-.

  9. Hi Nancy,

    Hey, if you organize closets first, you’ll be able to put more stuff in them from elsewhere in the house! I’ll check out that book, thx!


  10. Whow! Wish I had someone to do my closets. It seem the last place we clean and organize. Found a couple of good declutter books at a website. Check it out.

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