The Linen Closet Challenge

As we think about hunkering down for impending fall, we experience a natural urge to organize.  Call it “nesting” if you like.  I find this organic urge more strongly in the fall than the spring.  Maybe it’s because we get extreme seasons here in CT (and I tend to be a bit dramatic about the weather).

I’m blessed with a wonderful Mother-in-Law who always reorganizes the linen closet in our guest bath while she’s visits (without being asked).  She’s an impeccable nester!

But she’s got some competition now…a friend of mine showed me her MIL’s linen closet…

Notice the labels?  Here’s a closer shot for you…

Hmmm, I think the gauntlet of challenge has been laid down!  Game on MIL’s! 🙂

For those of you without Mother-in-Laws who do this for you, how do you organize your linen closets?

ps – Thanks Granny! 🙂

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