Does your home need to go on a diet?

Messy Room!It’s a New Year, and time to look at your home from a new perspective!  Just like their human owners, homes tend to bulk up a bit during the holidays as well.  Why not put your home on a diet, and get rid of excess baggage…literally!

Reduce clutter and your home will look and function better.  If you haven’t used something in the past year, you probably don’t need it.  This goes for just about everything…clothes, furniture, kitchen gadgets, toys, electronics, and those mysterious boxes in the basement or attic.  Use 3 piles (keep, pitch, donate) and do one room at a time.  Donate what you don’t need – but just the good stuff.  Charitable organizations are not garbage collectors.

Tip: Adjust your perspective.  It’s not selecting what you’re willing to get rid of, but identifying what you really need.

Tip: If you’re too emotionally attached to something, take a picture of it before you get rid of it.

Go for it!

  1. Thanks Missy! Could make for a very interesting scrapbook project, huh?


  2. Hello Mia’s Pearls – 4 months isn’t bad! I think you’ve got a year. 😉 I’ve moved 3 times in the past 10 years. I find it strategic to keep some boxes packed. Ya never know! Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!


  3. Hi Julia – you sure throw a great party! Love the idea of a pic w/your daughter as part of it! I’m going to do that!

  4. Oh, I definitely need to do that. We moved house 4 (!!) months ago and we still boxes to unpack. Now we have actually started to get used to them..

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks for fixing the link, Susan!

    I do the photo thing all the time. There’s just not enough space in my house to keep everything. It works great with the kids’ artwork, too. I’ll have my daughter lie on the floor and we’ll arrange all of her pictures from the last month or so around here and then take her photo with them. She loves that. I did it with my son when he was little, too, and it’s fun to look back on those photos now.

    Thanks for joining my blog party! Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

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