Champagne “Date Night” Chicken

Not all dinner recipes gracefully prepared with company present. Since I only share recipes here that are fail-safe, I thought this should make an appearance. So if you’re looking to woo someone with your culinary prowess, here you go! Whether you’re in the market for love, or would just love a delish easy dinner for the family, give it a try!

champagne chicken ingredients


  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 Cup flour
  • White Pepper to taste
  • 2 TBSP Olive Oil (ideally from tomatoes)
  • 1 1/2 cups champagne or white wine
  • 1 Cup Heavy Cream
  • 1/2 Cup Sun-dried Tomatoes


  • Mix flour and white pepper in a ziplock bag. Add chicken and shake.
  • Heat olive oil in skillet over medium-high, then add chicken breasts – brown on one side.

champagne chicken - brown one side

  • Turn over the chicken breasts, and add wine or champagne until reduced by one-half.

champagne chicken

  • And while you have the wine open and a little time, why not pour a glass or two? Don’t forget to light the candles and play some cool tunes (wink, wink).

wine and candlelight

  • Remove chicken – keep warm on a plate.
  • Add the heavy cream and sun-dried tomoatos and stir until it thickens and heats thoroughly.
  • Pour over the chicken breasts and voilà – a fabulous and attractive chicken dish!

champagne chicken


As always, it depends on your target market. If you’re truly in wooing-mode, serve with steamed asparagus in a butter/balsamic vinegar sauce, side of pasta with a simple dill/butter sauce, french bread and a side salad. Be sure to light the candles and use your best table manners. 😉

Or, if you’re beyond the woo stage, move straight to family-style, paired with brown rice and sweet corn. (Note: I don’t cut up the sun-dried tomatoes when I make it for the kids – it’s easier for them to pick them out this way).

chicken dinner

Bon appetite! (And, ahem, good luck!) ;

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