Mysteries along the road most traveled

I’m a little off-topic this week, but as spring has finally sprung here in CT, I’ve been wondering about some beautiful yet mysterious sites along my street.

I don’t know about you, but I seem to drive around town alot, which means I drive down my street at least several times per day.  Because we live near a reservoir, there is a lot of natural terrain that remains.  Along with a few mysteries.

So the other day, I took my camera with me down my street to show you what I wonder about, several times a day. Yea, I’m a little off-topic today, but just sit back and enjoy the mysterious drive down my street with me!

First, here’s the dogs-eye view of my street.  Very wooded and beautiful.

The first mystery I come across is a door built into the side of a hill. I have no idea what is in there!  Any thoughts?

Then a little further on, there are stairs that seem to lead to nowhere (actually, they lead up to the reservoir).  I can’t drive by without the theme from Rocky playing in my

Next up is a  huge boulder with a big split in it.  Now how did that happen?  Surely there is a good story behind this.

And finally, a very old family marker for which a perpendicular street was named after.  Is anyone buried there? Does the family still live in the area?

I think I need to visit our local library and ask some of these questions.

Do you have any mysteries on your street or in your town?  Guess these are great fodder for urban legends!

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