Upcycling a Pine Coffee Table

Last summer I put our old pine coffee table on our side porch – as illustrated below. However, by the end of summer, the table was rather beat up. It had some mold, lots of scratches, and pen marks from the kids.

Use What You Have Porch Design

Rather than pitch it, we decided to make it better! So we sanded it down, gave it a couple coats of poly on top and painted the legs white.

Note: I didn’t get a picture of the table before it was sanded because once my husband is “on” a project – it gets done. Right away. He’s Type A. 😉

farm coffee table before

Here’s Mr. Action Jackson.

coffee table upcycled

Voila! A brand new farm coffee table with a little facelift.

farm coffee table after

I like it so much I didn’t put it back on the porch. It earned an interior placement.

Now I’m eyeing every other old piece of furniture in my home with an upcycle eye. Hmmm, that credenza and file cabinet look rather sad.


  1. Thank you! Your blog inspired me to finally do something with my bedside cabinets, having hated them for years! I now have two lovely white and stained wood cabinets 🙂 so just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to put up this post!

  2. Awesome post as it explained how to make the old furniture look new. Really thankful to this post helping me out.

  3. Hey Susan. I also have some very old tables (for about 40-50 years) who are thrown on the attic because nobody looks at them. Maybe I’ll start to upcycling them 🙂

  4. Thanks! I’m hoping to have more projects like this in the next month or too. I’m itching to paint SOMETHING and I have lots of old pieces in my home screaming for help.

  5. Wow!!! Nice how perfectly you have made this table and off course when you work hard on any thing so it will shows that how beautiful it is.
    Thank you so much for share this beautiful view to us.

  6. Hi Sandy – so glad to hear you’re giving the table new life! I think furniture has chapters, just like in life! 🙂

  7. I have an old (1971) pine coffee table that has the signs of our two sons long ago racing their Match Box cars. I love the appearance of your “new” table and it certainly has acquired its interior place in your lovely home. I think I will join the DIY gals and give my table a presence it can be proud to show.

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