Top 8 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

It’s almost time for that annual event.  Forget the flowers, buffet lunches and chocolates (ok, maybe keep the chocolates).  Let’s get real.  Here are the top 10 gifts us mom’s could really use, but probably won’t come right out and ask for:

1.  Paint a room for her (without flinching)

No editorial comments or eye roles.  To prepare yourself, just look in the mirror and practice saying “yes dear” until you can say it without sweating.  You need to trust that she knows best here.  You’ll love it when it’s done!

2. A gift certificate for heavy spring cleaning.

You know what I mean…clean the drapes and the baseboards type of work.  The result? A home with that new house smell and a happy wife/mom.  Priceless!

3. Wonder Woman Hottie Hoodie

Need I say more? This is hot. You can get it from Amazon.

4.   The Gift of Nature

Get her a Gift Certificate to her favorite garden center and time to plant, putter, or whatever else she wants to do with her selections.

5.   Portable GPS (purse size and cute)

What can I say.  It’s cute, only 5 ounces so it fits nice in your purse.  No more admitting you don’t know where you are.  Probably does more than really necessary (the product description used the word “serious” about 20 times), but hey, aren’t mom’s worth it? From Amazon.

6.  A Day to herself to do whatever she wants, no questions asked.  Just because.

Take the kids and go.  Anywhere.  And don’t ask her what she will do with her time – that will just make her feel pressure to make it productive time.  If she wants to wander around an empty house in her jammies all day, so be it.

7.  PowerDock

I just like the name “PowerDock”! But seriously, wouldn’t it be nice to get all those iChargers under control?  Charge up to four iPods or iPhones at a time.  Also improves the chance that you’ll know where you left it! It may not cause world peace, but it will improve family harmony, and comes in white or aluminum.  Available at Amazon.

(Side note:  Don’t have an iPod or iPhone yet?  Include one w/this gift for extra credit!)

8.   Dream Dinners Gift Certificate

For the busy mom with things to do besides cooking, Dream Dinners is a great way to get dinner on the table.  Bonus – she’ll spend less time at the grocery store!  I’ve done this many times, and I’m completely sold on it!  The food was great, and I saved ALOT of time!

And of course we want the handmade cards too.  And breakfast in bed would be nice.  That’s the part that makes our eyes tear up with delight.

If you see something that strikes your fancy, forward this post to those who can make it happen for you (or, just shop for yourself!) and know that you’re worth it! 🙂

Now, what would you add to the list? Which is your favorite idea?

***disclaimer*** I ended up picking out what I wanted for Mother’s Day, and it’s NOT on this list!  So I guess #11 is a Digital SLR camera so I can bring you better photos here on this blog.  🙂

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