The Makings of a Dream Garage

So, have you decorated your garage yet? Ok, so maybe you haven’t looked at it this way, but I think we can all agree that it needs to organized! I love this post from Jessica – a self-professed DIY and blog junkie about creating your dream garage. If the garage is not your area of responsibility, feel free to forward this post to your personal garage manager. ~Susan

A well organized garage is every homeowners dream; unfortunately the garage is one room in the home that doesn’t always receive the love it deserves. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t use my garage for random items that have no place, excess storage and well, garbage. Just because we don’t spend as much time in there as we do in the kitchen, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t still be a space that can be enjoyed.

One of the main reasons my garage gets neglected is because I never go in there. It houses the boyfriend’s project car and the many, many tools he “requires” to work on it and therefore looks like this most of the year:

Now, just because I don’t currently have the garage of my dreams doesn’t mean I don’t think about what it would be like. Someday we’ll move, and when we do you can bet I’ll be staking claim over part of that garage and putting it to good use. Until then though, I’ll just keep on gathering my ideas to share with people like you, who are able to implement a few changes!

Start by heading out and picking up some storage bins to keep similar items in one spot. Rubbermaid bins are great for organizing gardening supplies, cords, decorations, etc, but anything similar will do just fine. The great thing about these is that they make it really easy to stack things on top of one another, clearing up extra floor space in the process.

Another key ingredient to a well organized garage is shelving.  Whether you purchase shelving or make it the DIY way it can be a huge space saver. Look at how nice this looks without the clutter:


I really like the idea of putting a shelf above the door tracks too. There is a ton of used potential up there!


The next big contributors to a well organized garage are hooks and racks. You have no idea how useful they actually are until you have them installed. While I don’t have them in my garage I do make use of hooks all over my house and honestly don’t think I can ever have enough. They’re great for hanging things like extension cords, ropes, rakes, shovels and more.

This garage has made use of everything we’ve talked about so far – bins, shelves, hooks, and racks. What I wouldn’t give for a garage like that.


Truthfully, getting things organized can be the easy part, keeping them that way is what often gets us in trouble. The best way to ensure that your newly organized garage stays that way is to give everything a place. This is actually one of the biggest problems with our current garage – we put a lot of stuff in there at random, never actually knowing where things should go. It’s a lot easier to put things away when they actually have a home. If you need to, try labeling your shelves and bins accordingly so that unused items, like gardening tools for example, always end up in the same place.

Jessi is a DIY enthusiast and writer with a big thing for organization. When she’s not guest posting on other blogs or working here, she’s taking on projects at home and hanging out with her awesome dog, Abby.  

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