Thanks for listening – 100th Post!

February may be a short month, but that’s no excuse for waiting til the 11th hour to squeak in a post! Yes I’ve been busy (isn’t everyone?), but that’s not why it’s taken me so long to post.  But since this is my 100th post, and yes…I felt the pressure to make it something SPECIAL!

Ok, enough excuses. I really want to take this opportunity to thank the many readers and bloggers who have inspired me and kept me going. I write this blog from my heart, and hope that in some small way it touches you and inspires you to make your home the best it can be, and uniquely your own.

To celebrate this 100th post, I’d like to share some of my FAVORITE images I’ve used here on YHOB over the past year – this is what my house would look like if I had a do-over! Enjoy the eye candy! (pssst…click on the image to see the related post).

This is my dream bedroom – especially if it comes with an ocean view! Love the charcoal/lime throw on the bed!

I don’t think I’ve used this picture in any post yet, but have been dying too! It’s yet another fabulous photo from House Beautiful – I love the artistic simplicity of it.

This is actually a bedroom in a house down the street that is currently for sale – any takers? How smart is this design!

This is Drew Barrymore’s kitchen from The Big CHill retro fridge folks – bold and beautiful!

I love this home office – although I’d probably need a bit more storage. But the open feeling to the desk would nix any writer’s block, don’t you think?

I’m a mom, and I love color in kids rooms.  I love this smart design that includes form and function!

And lastly, if I could make it happen, I’d LOVE to invite all my readers and blogger friends to a big pool party to celebrate everything we love about our homes! Now doesn’t that look like fun! Who’s in!!!!!????

Thanks again for a fun 100 post journey.  You guys are the BEST!



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