Summer Dreaming

Vacation at St. AugustineYou don’t have to know me very long to figure out that I belong somewhere south of the Mason Dixon line.

Closest I’ve come, however, is Evansville, IN.  I’ve “done time” in NY, OH, NJ and now CT.  Yet my favorite decorating style is anything coastal or beachy.  Go figure.  Soooooo, this time of year, I can get a wee bit cranky.

So, as therapy, I thought I’d share some tropical décor eye candy from Coastal Living Magazine with you!

So go mix a mojito, crank up the heat and sit back for a mental vacation with me!  We’ll all be the healthier for it!

Wouldn’t this be a fabulous place to sip lemonade and peruse your favorite design magazines?

I could serve burned toast for dinner and it would be exotic on this dining table!  What a view! (Side note: my Mom always taught me that if you can’t cook well, then present well).

I just love the artwork over the mantel and the vases on the coffee table!

One (big) reason I love coastal decor is that it tends to be kid friendly.

Beautiful use of flowing fabric, and I love the lime/charcoal combo for a splash of contemporary color.

Note the use of hooks (a favorite of mine!)

Sorry to say, but this concludes our summer journey.  May your hearts be warm, and your weather warmer soon!

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