This Easter will go down in our family history as the one to beat! Every future Easter will pale in comparison.
Yes, we’re finally getting the girls a puppy. She’s a “Bo-Jack” (Boston/Jack Russell Terrier mix) from a wonderful rescue organization down south. She arrives next week, but we will surprise the girls Easter morning with puppy-themed baskets and a plethora of puppy supplies. I can hear the squeals already.
I love surprises! Last year our lions were anonymously decorated as Easter bunnies under the cloak of darkness. We still don’t know who did it, but they sure had some mad crafting skills! This was not the work of an amateur! While I do have bunnies ears and tails for this year, I cannot match the bar that was set last year! So whoever you are – THANK YOU!
And while we are on the subject of Easter, here’s a creative (albeit messy) idea to make bird nests with rice krispies, peeps and candy eggs.
And for the green and/or practical reader, how about a reusable planter in lieu of a traditional basket? Note the use of a baby blanket for the stuffed bunny – less messy than grass! Add some seeds and gardening tools, and you’ve got an afternoon project! You could also include paint to let the kids paint their own planter.
Any ideas for next year? I’d better start planning now!