Rearrange for Quick and Easy Impact

Got a sad, blah room in need of a quick pick-me-up? Good news…there are two ways to jump-start the energy in a room without spending a lot of time or money.

  1. Paint it
  2. Rearrange it

Painting is inexpensive, can be done in a day, and naturally “cleans up” a room while giving great color impact. Yea! Rearranging does the same thing, but here’s where it edges out painting…it’s FREE and can be done in about an hour! Woot woot!

So if you only have an hour or so, get out your tape measure and Moving Men discs and stir things up! Need ideas and inspiration? Check out HGTV’s Rearranging 101. Oh, and yes…number’s 4, 10 and 12 are my work {insert big cheesy grin here}! 🙂

While we’re on the subject, I had previously published an article entitled “Easy Measurement Formulas for Comfortable Design” – sort of a design-by-the-numbers guide. For your convenience, here are the highlights:

Furniture Arrangement

Hanging Art

Hanging Lights

Hanging Curtain Panels

Area Rugs

Now remember, these are guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. Do what works for you! Still not getting the results you want? Go with plan B and PAINT!

How have you shaken up a sad little room?

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