Practical Survival Tips for a Kitchen Renovation

Why you need a “B-itchen”

You may recall that we took on a major kitchen renovation last year. I mean, tore down a wall and replaced everything! I was planning to live-blog our temporary living reality to offer hope to others going through the same thing, but sometimes you just have to put your head down and power though it.

The dust has settled, time has passed. With summer upon us, it’s time to offer some tips and encouragement to anyone crazy ambitious enough to make their dream kitchen a reality and live to tell about it.

In a nutshell, it came down to three things: 1) storage, 2) water source, and 3) a glamping mindset.

1. Storage

First of all, who knew so much stuff could come out of our tiny cupboards?! This is an opportunity of a lifetime to PURGE! You have no choice! Your sanity depends on it.

We used empty bins and re-zoned the dining room as the new pantry. The table made for a natural shelving unit for the bins. Now we were fortunate that we had an enclosed porch that we could use as a temporary kitchen-ish space, but a family room or living room would work as well. But do use the bins! 

The refrigerator is a biggie, both in size and importance.  If you have an icemaker, you’ll want to turn it off and find a place you can plug it in. It fit nicely on our porch – and was a great place to pin up local take-out menus. We also used a red table for frequently used items.

Pots and pans can be stashed in a corner or bin somewhere. Since you’ll probably eat out a little more during this time, you don’t need them staring you down and making you feel guilty.

There are some things you will need at quick reach and on a daily basis. Make it obvious. Organize plastic ware, salt and pepper and breakfast cereals where even the most oblivious family members will find them.

2. Water Source: Bathroom + Kitchen = B-itchen

Can we get real here for a minute? You need a water source (read as: coffee)  more than you need an extra place to do your private business. If you have the luxury of a second bathroom on the main level, than you have a B-itchen! Showers and the toilet are off-limits here! If you need to string up yellow crime scene tape, by all means do so!

While the B-itchen sink worked great for some things, we found that it was challenging to wash larger pans, and the drain was getting gunked up.

Tip: put a strainer in the bottom of the sink, and feel free to use the tub for the larger dishes.

3. Glamping

With needs come found solutions. You will find things you can use your grill for that you never considered before. Just pretend you’re glamping!

Remember, it’s only temporary!

Because we knocked down the wall between the kitchen and family room, the porch also became a temporary family room. Just do yourself a favor and be strict about keeping it picked up – it can get out of control quickly.

In the end, we somehow survived. We are enjoying the new kitchen and have resumed personal duties in the B-itchen turned back into a bathroom, as it should be.

See before and after photos of the new kitchen! And if you’re starting a big kitchen project this summer – good luck!

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