Painting Stairs: DIY FAQs and Tips

Painting Stairs DIY and Tips

ugly stairs before*This post was from 3 houses ago (a.k.a. as “The Lion House“). Because I still get so many questions about this project, I’ve updated this post.*

When we first looked at this home, I was rather turned off by the staircase. It was carpeted in dirty gray Berber carpet which wrapped around the edges, suggesting mere yellow pine underneath. It was almost a deal-breaker. I knew I’d be painting stairs sooner than later.

Because the stairs are clearly visible from the foyer and family room, we had to do something, but without breaking the bank. So I got busy (understatement).

Painting Stairs: The Plan

  1. Remove carpet (yellow pine underneath)
  2. Paint treads espresso and rails to match (I went with “Stealth Jet” from Behr)
  3. Paint risers and spindles white to match trim in the house

Note: I should mention, the gray carpet was also in the upstairs hall…we added hardwood to the upstairs hall and the stair landing.

Painting Stairs: Before and After

I’m thrilled with the results, and it has truly changed the heart of the home.

If you’re considering doing this in true DIY fashion, hopefully these before and after shots will inspire you. And after the pictures, I’ve included some FAQs and practical tips to help you along.

So first, the before and after shots, then on to the pictorial evolution of this labor of love!

Note: the art is a placeholder…a chalkboard wallie adorned w/my 10 year old’s original work. 😉

I should also mention that we changed the foyer light.

Painting Stairs: FAQs and TIPS!

Q. What kind of paint should I use?

Q. What prep work do I need to do?

Q. What order should I paint in?

Q. What is the best way to clean the stairs after they’re painted?

Q. How well will the paint hold up over normal use?

Q. How long did it take?

Do the math…that’s about 31 hours.   Plus add a little extra time for taping and touch ups. Yes, that’s a lot of time, but (now that it’s over) well worth it.  So, anyone else game to try this? Any questions I didn’t yet address? Ask away!

If you’d like to see all the projects from this house, click here!

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