Old Fashioned Pinning and Magazine Recycling Tips

I pinned before pinning was cool. Ok, so maybe I’m a bit old-schooled! I love to drool over my favorite Décor magazines and tear out the pages that spoke to my heart.

decorating magazines

And file them by room!

decor magazine clipping files

Admittedly, I was always a bit behind schedule, which cause a bit of a magazine pileup.

stacks of magazines

Now, with Pinterest, I’m even more behind. Oh the pressure! But such fun!

In honor of Earth Day, I’d like to help out others, like me, who are still addicted to thumbing through favorite décor magazines by providing a few ideas for creative disposal.

Here are four ways to manage your real-life magazine “situation”:


Did you know that according the Magazine Publishers of America, only 20% of magazines are recycled from home? Magazines are 100% recyclable and are now accepted by all curbside recycling programs that collect paper Check your town for specifics. Use Earth911 to find a location to recycle magazines in your area.


  1. Drop them off at a local doctor’s office or Laundromat for others to enjoy.
  2. See if residential homes or hospices would be able to use them.
  3. Use them as material for children’s art projects or school classes.
  4. Shred them and use as filler when shipping boxes

Repurpose as Decor



curbly magazine wreath




Read Magazines Online

And for those tough enough to go cold turkey, you can switch to virtual consumption https://www.catalogchoice.org/

But as for me, I plan to pin AND thumb. Now, who can invent more hours in the day?

Has pinning changed how you use magazines?


  1. Hi Sofia – funny, now I’m looking around my house for anything I can upcyle. It’s addicting!

  2. Love the magazine bowl! Very cool, solves junk problems and if anything, gives you an excuse to buy more magazines…

    I’m bowled over! (Sorry I couldn’t resist :P)

  3. I recycle old magazines too! What I do is use origami and make a pencil holder out of it. It’s very neat! I like your post by the way!

  4. interesting blog .. i never thought such stuff can be made in this way ..

    thanks for the post…

  5. wow .. This are really cool stuffs that we can do with magazines …
    Thanks a lot for sharing it …

  6. While Pinterest is fun, nothing beats getting a pair of scissors and going to town. Something about the tactile interaction of can’t be beat. Finishing a session with dirty fingers, new ideas, or even new pieces is something that Pinterest an online bookmarking just can’t compare with.

  7. Wow I never really knew we could do such wonders with magazines like this…. nice invention I must say…

  8. These are amazing!, we have lots of old magazines that were just eating dust. I know they can be recycled but I lack creative ideas. I like that they can be repurposed as home decor. My favorite is the starburst rolled magazine.

  9. Nice utilization of magazines….looking forward to trying it….

    Thanks for sharing this idea….

  10. I really didn’t know we could do such unique things from Old Magazine stuffs…. I guess I should try making some items…


  11. Thanks for a informative kind of post..Thanks for sharing with us..

  12. Amazing works of art from recycled magazine. Do you know how to make an origami? The Japanese art of paper folding? I think it’s also a way to make use of old papers and magazine for decoration.


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