How to Make a Vertical To-Do List You Won’t Lose

I come from a long line of list-makers. We LOVE our lists. We even write down tasks we’ve already done just so we can cross them off (show of hands – you too?). Yes, I know many of you use a “device” – but we list addicts need to see it and touch it. Like a good book.

The only problem is that I keep losing my list. I put it down on the desk and it gets swallowed by papers, books and magazines.

So when my niece Emily was with us this summer, I challenged her to make something useful out of $10 worth of “stuff” from a dollar store. We were in Target, so I set her loose in the dollar section at the front of the store. Here is her answer to my challenge, and I couldn’t be happier with the end product!

All she needed was an idea, a glue gun, and a little velcro tape. Here’s how she did it in three simple steps.

Now I have a to-do list that stands up on my desk so I won’t lose it.

And (HUGE BONUS) I can keep gift cards, coupons or other smaller items in the zippered pouch attached to the back with velcro.

The only problem, is that now that my list is so visible, others may feel free to add to my chore list. Ok, I didn’t see that one coming!

Are you up for a dollar store challenge? What can YOU make for $10? (Sort of like flea market flip on a grassroots level).

Thanks Emily!!!!

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