How to make a December birthday special

Assuming birth months are distributed evenly, 8.3% of you have a December birthday. And if you’re under 10 and celebrate Christmas, that’s just way too much excitement saved up for just one month of the year.I know.I have an 8 year old whose birthday is just four days before Christmas.

So how do we make her day special? Here are four easy ways!

1. The Birthday Tree

For her first birthday, we got a 3’ artificial tree and decorated it with pink lights, colorful curling ribbon, and a birthday hat for the top of the tree. We asked guests to her first birthday party to bring a “birthday ornament” for her birthday tree in lieu of a gift.Each year she gets a new ornament.And this year, she also got new lights for her tree (the pink one’s broke, and she likes blue better anyway).The day after Thanksgiving, she puts up her tree in her bedroom.It’s become quite an event for her!

2. The Party

She likes to include a Christmas theme into her party, but I suspect that will change as she gets older.This year, we’re throwing a Tree Ornament Craft party for her.She invited over a few friends, and they will make four ornaments each.(Tip: make sure you try each craft yourself before the party – it’s tougher than it looks!).

3. The Goodie Bag

Instead of the traditional goodie bag full of candy and plastic trinkets, we bought little spruce trees from a nursery, and planted them in pretty pots.They’re only about a foot tall…a bit Charlie Brown-like.But they’re real, and can be planted in the spring.Right now our dining room looks like a mini-forest!They act as party ambiance as well as practical goodies bags! We printed care instructions for the trees (rolled up in curling ribbon) and included tips like “name your tree and sing to it” to make it fun.

4. The Cake

Rather than a traditional cake, we made cupcakes and displayed them on a tiered cupcake holder to look like a tree.We dyed the frosting green, and put a candle on the top cupcake.

Then each girl decorated their cupcake with an assortment of candies – gum drops, jelly beans, sprinkles, M&M’s (note: we had to go buy another pack of M&M’s because I broke into them this week…oops!)

I’d like to send out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all 8.3% of you with birthday’s this month!

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