How I saved my Friends’ Gardens from Bugs

worryfree for gardens

Post and giveaway sponsored by Central Garden & Pet, but all opinions are my own. Please see end of post for additional disclosure.

I have to be honest here. I don’t have a garden. We declared 2013 to be the year of the yard – with garden aspirations on hold until 2014. That said, I have friends with gardens – of all kinds! When I was asked to try out GardenTech® Worry Free®  to protect flowers, vegetables, etc from pests, I armed myself with the ready to use spray bottle and camera, and did my own multi-state garden tour! And here are the beautiful results!

First stop is in Atlanta, Georgia. My friend’s raised bed garden is beautiful! A little spray every now and then gave her fresh veggies without having to visit the grocery store or farmer’s market.

Then we stopped by New Jersey and checked out an amazing gardenscape. We liberally applied Worry Free to some of her container flowers – and they are doing great!

From there, I stopped by my neighbor’s back deck here in Connecticut to help out her flowers.

And her vegetables (basil and tomatoes). Note: I had a vested interest in the basil and tomatoes as she generously shares her crop with me!

Ironically, while we were spraying the Worry Free, a bold little ant crawled on my toe. Go figure.

Not wanting to neglect my own yard, I applied Worry Free on our baby apple trees and shrub (now if only it worked on the roaming neighborhood dog who pees on it everyday).

You worked hard creating your own little produce and/or flower shop in the comfort of your own yard. Nothing worse than seeing bugs destroy your beautiful garden.

No worries – literally – with GardenTech® Worry Free® .

What is Worry Free®?

It’s a botanical insecticide that contains “pyrethrins”

Def. Pyrethrins: organic compounds derived from the Chrysanthemum flower that have insecticidal properties. Which means it’s natural, not synthethic, and kills bugs.

How does it work?

It attacks the nervous system of targeted insects and mite, rendering them immobile – they can’t move or fly away. In other words…you and your garden win!

When can you use Worry Free®?

You can use it throughout your growing season, up to the day before you harvest your crop. Start using it the minute you see any signs of insects – it works on both existing bugs and hard-to-see insect eggs.

What can you use it on?

Worry Free® is ideal for your flower or vegetable gardens, as well as trees, herbs, shrubs, and other outdoor plants.

What bugs will it kill?

It handles more than 250 crawling and flying insects. Ants, mites, caterpillars and much more!

Note: as with any produce, be sure to wash before eating.

Now, how about one last giveaway?  Enter to win a $25 American Express Gift Card!  Just leave a comment with one gardening tip to help me create an amazing garden in 2014!  A random winner will be chosen August 4th, 2013!

Looking for Home and Garden 101 inspiration? Check out my favorite Pinterest board, and start your own if you haven’t already!

Central Garden & Pet partnered with bloggers such as me to help educate us all about their products. As part of this program, I received compensation. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the use of the products. Central Garden & Pet believes that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Central Garden & Pet’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations. A winner will be chosen by random and gift card fulfillment will be handled by a third party.

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