5 Small Kitchen Storage Ideas to Curb Clutter

Welcome Aubrey Madrona, this week’s guest blogger! She is writing about something near and dear to my heart right now – kitchens! (We are about to kick off a little kitchen remodel). She has some great kitchen storage tips to make the most of your kitchen, whether big or small.

Fess up…how cluttered is your kitchen? Can you see your countertops? Regardless of your design style, there is one concern that we all share: lack of kitchen storage space!

Accumulation of kitchen gadgets and tools over time can overwhelm the busiest room in the house. The smaller the kitchen, the bigger the challenge! Make the most of the space you do have with these five smart kitchen storage solutions:

1. Maximize cupboards and shelves

(photo via marthastewart.com)

Although you probably spent the most time deciding on the materials to use when you were designing your kitchen, be it marble, glass mosaic tiles, or stainless steel, the more important part of building a kitchen was planning for cupboards and shelves for proper storage.

(photo via glassslidingdoors.org)

Sometimes, though, you may find that your counters and tabletops are unusable because they are too cluttered with things that should be stored in cabinets. Always make sure you have fully utilized the capacity of your cupboards and shelves to avoid keeping things on tabletops. By keeping things stored inside, you are in control of what items are visible and accessible, and only when you need them.

2. Organize using trays and baskets

(photo via glassslidingdoors.org)

It is difficult to max out the full areas of cabinets and drawers when the items stored inside are loosely placed without being neatly arranged. A great way to assure that more things fit into your closets is to use trays and baskets that will confine your things to certain designated areas. That way, you can use both the entire height and width of the closet space.

3. Use rods and racks to hang items

(photo via FamilyHandyMan.com)

Do not underestimate the usefulness of hanging things! Just looking around your kitchen, you are sure to find several surfaces on which you can attach racks to hang utensils and other cooking tools. In fact, this even applies to your kitchen sink.  Whether the surface is plain painted cement, smooth marble, or glass mosaic tiles, attaching a rack or rod is totally workable.

4. Decorate and design on the surface

(photo via susanjablon.com)

Even if your kitchen is where interesting concoctions and creations are conjured, you may sometimes feel that your area is quite dull or boring. There are times when you would love to position a huge vase of flowers or some pieces of décor on your counter, but this definitely is not the most practical way to liven things up.

(photo via marblemosaicsblog.com)

A great and practical way to pull off some decorating would be by painting directly onto the surfaces of your kitchen, by crafting up nice patterns using glass mosaic tiles, or by simply using some nice wallpaper.

5. Regularly clear out your kitchen

(photo via MarthaStewart.com)

Most importantly, you must constantly resist the urge to hoard. It is easy to accumulate all sorts of things in your kitchen, but the only way to avoid having it cramped with too many items is to regularly get rid of old (possibly expired) ingredients, excess food containers, and unusable tools.

In the end, it really just boils down to keeping the things that are absolutely necessary, and making sure that they are kept orderly, right where they belong. And whenever your kitchen screams “full,” that just means it’s time to cut down and dispose of everything you could actually survive without.

No matter what kind of home you live in, the kitchen is among the most used and personalized part of your home. Whether you prefer minimalist design, or a splash of color and texture using materials like glass mosaic tiles, having a place for everything, and everything in it’s place makes it work.

Author Bio:

Aubrey Madrona is a Social Media Specialist. She loves Music and spends a lot of her time playing piano and reading. She’s currently building her reputation as an online writer of Marble Mosaic. You can follow her on Twitter at @aubiiiii

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