Five Decorating Tips for the Fiscally Responsible

I’m writing this post from my new office with boxes surrounding me. We moved into our new-to-us home two weeks ago, and I’m still feverously unpacking and organizing.

One thing I enjoy about moving is finding new ways to use things. The more creative/fiscally responsible I can be with basics, the more budget I’ll have left for “wow” factors that can really change the feel of the room.

Yes, the latter part is more fun. “Wow” beats “responsible” most of the time. That said, I’m still in the “fiscally responsible” stage of the game {sigh}.

Here are a few tips to help you free up your décor budget for the fun stuff:

1. White bedding

2. Area Rugs

3. Paint Something

4. Lighten Up

5. Mix and Match

As I continue to unpack, I’ll highlight ways I’ve used these tips in my new-to-me home, and share how I found “WOW” pieces to make it all work.

What other ideas can you share about how to use what you have so you can get what you want?

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