Easy (Changeable) Zebra Glam Girls Room

My sweet little girl asked for a Zebra Glam room in our new home. Even though I had just redesigned her last room, we’re in a new house now, and the room needed painting anyway.

Hmmm. I had previously sworn off pink theme-heavy rooms. But how could I say “no?” Plus, she regularly reads my blog, so I thought I should reward her for her loyalty.

So I gave in, but with a few conditions. Wall had to be PALE pink, and we would infuse zebra print in such a way that it could easily be changed to something else as she grows (yes, honey, it could happen). Here’s how we made it happen, and under budget! (Note: if you just want to see the before and after pics, scroll down).

Not wanting to spend more than $200, I tried to mostly use what I already had.

And finally, she swapped out some furniture and accessories with her sister ($0).

Were you keeping track? Not including the new mattress set for the found headboard and new carpeting (which was definitely required), we spent $155 on paint, décor and accessories.

Finally, as promised, here are the money shots – the before and after inspiration!

When she inevitably tires of Zebra, how else could you redesign this room keeping the other elements?

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