Earthy Bling for a non-traditional Easter


We’re hosting a small, casual Easter dinner party at our house this year.  Because we’re serving barbecued ribs from the grill instead of traditional ham, I wanted to alter the party décor to match the casual tone.

Instead of using place cards, we’re going to use terracotta pots.

We’ll paint the body (up to the rim) silver and gold, and then write each guests name along the rim with a terracotta marker.

I delegated the painting to my kids, so no two pots look alike!

Inside each pot we’ll place a small stone garden bunny, a packet of flower seeds and a few traditional candy treats.

Then to decorate the table, I painted tiny terracotta pots silver on the inside and will scatter them about the table with tea lights inside. Adds a little sparkle to the table without going overboard.  We could also use them to display colored Easter eggs.  How versatile! I’m not “eggsaturating” (sorry, couldn’t resist), but it only took 10 minutes to do this project, and they’ll be great for outdoor parties as well!

The kids Easter baskets will swerve from traditional as well this year.  You can read about it at the HG Openhouse blog!

Now if only it were warm enough to eat outside as well!  Maybe next year.

What are your Easter traditions, and do you dare break with tradition? 🙂

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