Color Trends for 2012: Balance to Preservation

A year ago, I attended Benjamin Moore’s ColorPulse 2011 and blogged about it here. 2011 Color Trends followed the theme of “Balance” illustrated through four trends: 1) Farm, 2) Order, 3) Escape and 4) Tribe.

After attending the 2012 ColorPulse event, I observed that some elements of these trends that are predicted to evolve into 2012, per the Benjamin Moore ColorPulse Color Trends report. Just as last year, these trends are a direct reflection of our environment.

There is an interesting trend identified in the 2012 forecast- Preservation. It is a curious reflection of our current economic and social climate. The overall desire to connect our past with our future. Perhaps context and relativity gives us a better sense of control in uncharted waters.

  1. Heritage – our past
  2. Process – our journey
  3. Protection – our vulnerability
  4. Enlightenment – our future

As we go through each element, think about how each trend relates to your own situation.


There is a comfort that comes from preserving your own history and the heritage of our world. We need to celebrate our heritage through time. This fits with fashion trends towards nostalgic and vintage clothing as well.

Some indigenous design trends to be watching for include:

Colors that speak to this trend include earth tones, dark/rich colors, and jeweled tones.


Process applies to evolution – the journey…the “ah ha” moments along the way. It’s being open to cues from nature, and accepting mind-bending concepts. It’s proactive and fluid. A real move towards functionality and a self-sustaining lifestyle.

Some design elements to watch for include:

The colors to watch for the process trend include:


The protection trend speaks to our need to feel safe in an uncertain time. It’s a quest for structure and isolation mixed with longing. There is an underlying nonverbal play of seduction represented by inspiration from the female body. It’s about being protected outside so you can be vulnerable inside.

Some design elements include:

Colors to watch:


Enlightenment speaks to our future. It’s being open to stretch your mind. Celebrating the excitement of rebirth. Shaping our vision of the future beyond what we’ve seen. It’s a real freedom of thought and expression, and a long-term attitude towards life. There is an interesting relationship between reality and discovery, and it is celebrated in this trend.

Design elements to watch:

Colors to watch:


I find is so interesting to apply clues of society to how we create our surroundings. To summarize, these four trends of preservation result in the following trends for 2012:

So what do you think? Are these trends on target? What elements would you consider using in your home? And…what is YOUR favorite color and why!

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