Can Juicing Change Your Life?

yoga headstandTo juice, or not to juice. I’m on the cusp. Friends tell me it’s a game changer, but I’m an avid carb lover. Can this work for me?

Well, I’m about to find out. I’m getting hubby a juicer for his birthday, and collecting recipes to get started.

Now this recipe may look advanced, but it’s highly recommended by my overachieving friend (we’ll call her Shelby) and a favorite of hers after running 15 miles then standing on her head in an impressive yoga pose without breaking a sweat. (And I’m not exaggerating).

Now there is no promise that drinking green juice will turn me into Type A Shelby, but if it nudges the needle a bit, it’s all good.


This is a powerful selection of celery, cucumber, green apple, kale, lemon, parsley, romaine and spinach. (are you drooling yet?)

Ingredients (organically-grown preferably):


Just blend the ingredients together with a bit of water. This is to aid in loosening everything together, but not to change the consistency. When draining the mixture, use the pouch to catch the fiber, as we are only interested in the juice part. Make sure you press out all the juice. Fill that glass!

Editorial Comment: The sludge from the fiber side makes the pretty green juice look fabulous by comparison.


Shelby found these handy containers at Crate and Barrel to store individual services of her green juice creations for up to 72 hours.

I am going to visit “Shelby” in a few weeks and will try this concoction personally. I’ll be sure to report back.

Do you “juice”? And how often do you use the word “juice” as a verb?

ps – another friend of mine who has dabbled in juicing advised me to drink a lot of water as well. Apparently, it can be binding. You’re welcome.

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