3 Color Palettes Inspired By a Brewery Tour

On a recent tour of the Two Roads Brewery in Stratford, CT, I found myself comfortably happy, despite the heat of the day. The brewery was in the old, transformed U.S. Baird Building – rustic and industrial.  Looking around, I realized that the colors were very calming and inspiring at the same time. Which brings me to this conclusion:

Find your color inspiration from places that make you feel happy!

First, I was inspired by the raw ingredients. Earthy, textural, delish!

But the process and the transformation of an old industrial building inspired a more modern, industrial palette.


And of course you may find your inspiration in the product and bar experience itself.

Whichever aspect of the tour that inspires you most, just remember to always be ready to find inspiration where you least expect it. Just pay attention to places that make you feel good.

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