Happy Beach Bikes in Key West

Happy Bikes in Key West

It’s Mother’s Day, and Mamma got a brand new bike!

For some reason, beach bikes have always been romantic to me. Perhaps I envision myself as Rachel McAdams with Owen Wilson riding those adorable beach bikes in the movie Wedding Crashers. (Note that my bike fantasy does not include hills).

During my last vacation to the Florida Keys, I found myself snapping as many photos of bikes as I did beautiful homes. It’s a way of life down there. Bikes on the porch were as much a beautiful accessory as a mode of transportation.

Bikes had parties.

And intimate dates.

Taxi anyone?

So many options…

The trike is quite popular on the island.

Baskets seem to be a requirement, coconut optional.

You can’t talk about bikes in Key West without talking about color!

Or flowers.

Or the unexpected.

And while not quite a bike – anything is romantic with a beach in the background.

For more happy bikes, visit my Happy Bikes Pinterest board!

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